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Today, I invite you to be a Hero in the lives of children who need academic resources. Let's join hands and work together to best meet their needs.  Your support can make a life-changing difference for the children who need it the most.  One of our incredibly insightful elementary school students aptly and lovingly states this: "Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change ur life"-Yes!

At the 2019 Run 4 Education, an elementary school student stopped by our

booth to say 'thank you' for the sneakers we gave her for gym class. We joyously 

told her that she is so very welcome!  What happened next brought tears to 

my eyes.  She asked us, "Do I have to give them back?".   I had to conceal my 

tears and let Janine explain our giving philosophy.  The sneakers are for keeps!  

With your help, we can put more sneakers on the feet of very deserving students.

We get things done through relationships. A billion thanks and hugs go out to all the "Awe-mazing" donors and volunteers who enrich the lives of children by meeting their educational needs as you give your time, talents, gifts, and hearts. You instill hope.  You are greatly appreciated, valued, and loved! - Adriene


Welcome Superintendent Dr. Jaime Aquino!!!  🥰

"❤️ This is a story about how representation matters. When new SAISD Superintendent Dr. Jaime Aquino was touring Twain Dual Language Academy, two students eagerly came up to meet him. Meet Alberyth and her little brother, Albert. Like Dr. Aquino, the students are natives of the Dominican Republic. The joy on all their faces was electric. Turns out their family is from San Francisco de Macoris, while Dr. Aquino’s aunt used to live there and his parents are from Salcedo, which is nearby in the Dominican Republic. 

Alberyth told Dr. Aquino: “When our mom told us the new superintendent was Dominican, you have no idea how much happiness we all felt!” Dr. Aquino says his story is the classic American tale: dreams and an education making amazing things possible in his life. He hopes to inspire all students to believe they can achieve anything in life with hard work. Without a doubt, there now are a couple of new true believers walking the halls of Twain Dual Language Academy." - SAISD

Precious Babies

"These two precious babies are two of four siblings who were removed from their home and adopted last year. Their advocates were a married couple who worked the case together to provide constancy for the children throughout their entire time in foster care."- Blair D. Ortmann, VP of Development, CASA

The kind & generous donations you provide allow the Advocates to go shopping for clothes & shoes for the children in foster care.   Typically, they arrive with one trash bag filled with all their belongings.  Because of your loving heart, these precious babies are clothed with loving-kindness.   

- Adriene

"We deeply appreciate your commitment!  Thank you for being our hero!"

- Marina J. Gonzales, J.D., CEO, CASA

CASA 2019 Gallery of Hope 💗


A Program of the SAISD Foundation

The A+ Academic Resources Board gave $1,000 to support 100 students through the Book Buddies Program. The Board recognizes the importance of books for student academic success. The students are super grateful for their new books!!!

“We appreciate the donation you made to Book Buddies during the Big Give.  Your generosity enables us to send home thousands of books to SAISD students.” – SAISD Foundation

SAISD Students Embrace Online Learning

Students Need Our Help to Champion Online Learning

"Over 90% of SAISD students live in poverty. The Digital Divide needs to be closed for remote learning to be successful for ALL learners. This is a way for you and others to help in that effort! We'll be sharing an amazon wish list for school supplies for students as well, for those who want to help in any way they can!" 

"Introducing the #ConnectCampaign New funds raised will be used to support the purchase of critical devices and internet accessibility for SAISD students while school closures continue. Join us in this effort and click the donate button here or on our main page! #SAISDFoundationImpact" 

“For as little as $25, you can bring access to learning for one student. A $75 donation allows access to learning for three students. $250 allows for access to learning for 10 students. For a $500 donation you can help bring access to learning for 20 students, that is one classroom. Your donation means more than ever, we hope we can count on you during this time!” – SAISD Foundation 

"Your continued support of the students in SAISD is greatly appreciated.  Your gift will help close the digital divide and further the success of our students". 

- SAISD Foundation

A Texas size 'thank-you' goes out to our compassionate & generous donors who have given $1,850 for the Connect Campaign.  - Adriene

 “In this season of reflection, I wanted to express to you how thankful I am for your support in enhancing the educational experience of our kids in SAISD.  It warms my heart to know how you care about our kids community wide and that you believe in the good work being done by our teachers and district leadership.  It is fulfilling to see the growth in our base of support.  Together we can foster a better tomorrow for our kids and our community.”

– SAISD Foundation Board Chair, Suzanne Peterson


“Your gift to the students of Texans Can Academies this Giving Tuesday means the season of hope is alive and well. With your support, education—and a brighter future—is a choice our students can make.  Because of donors like you, we were able to raise nearly $4,000 to the work of our mission.

We want you to know that the joy you take in propelling our students to economic independence inspires and sustains our joy in that same good work. We cannot do all we do without you. Thank you.” - Texans Can Academy



“You continue to be a blessing to our children in so many ways. Thank you so much for this amazing donation of coats and gift cards for our children.”

 – Beth Green, Chief Development Officer, Boysville

We greatly appreciate our wonderful donors for delivering warmth & happiness to our beloved students at Boysville!

 - Adriene

Team A+ Showed Up at Big Mama's Safe House

Big Mama's Safe House (BMSH) is a Safe Haven in the heart of San Antonio's District 2.  BMSH's community-centered services include Gun Violence Prevention & Education, Veteran, Senior, Mental Health, Domestic & Substance Abuse Aid, Youth & Adult workforce development, Trauma Informed Training, Life Skills, Mentorship & Faith-Based Services.  

The compassionate and dedicated Staff & Volunteers at BMSH are working to transform San Antonio's poverty & violence stricken communities.  A Texas-sized THANK YOU goes out to our outstanding donors who quickly stepped up to deliver the crucial initial donation of $5,200 & $483 (Delivering Christmas Smiles) in academic resources to help children who live in District 2 where abject poverty & gun violence are destroying & taking lives.  🙏🙏

BMSH on 4 June 2021 to raise awareness on National Gun Violence Awareness Day:

Two brave gun violence Survivors shared their remarkable real life stories today at BMSH. "By God's grace", they lived to tell about the horrific violence and terrible pain & agony they endured on our streets. Thank you dear Soldiers for using your near death experiences to educate people about the deadly war going on in our city.  I thank God for saving your lives, so you can turn tragedy into TRIUMPH through the crucial work you are doing at BMSH.  Together, we can end gun violence!!!  🎯

Casa Kids 2023.jpg

"Foster children already deal with uncertainty, and as the pandemic continues to linger it only makes it worse.  But, because of your support their days have been brighter.  We are profoundly grateful." - Angie White, President & CEO, CASA

A+ Academic Resources attended the Eyes of Cresta Bella community event to raise funds for St. PJ's Children's Home.  We gave $300 which supported 15 students.  We helped this awesome charity bring smiles to the children's faces!  ✝️💓🙏 

"Thank you so much for your support & donation.  We hope to SEE you again soon." 

- Eyes of Cresta Bella Team

Dear A+ Academic Resources (Team A+),

"Valentine's Day is all about LOVE and kisses and hugs.  We're taking the time out today to thank YOU for the love you demonstrate to the children in our care.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and those you love." 

With hugs and kisses,

The children and team members of The Children's Shelter



A Wise Teacher Makes Learning A Joy 

- Proverbs 15:2

"Best Teacher Ever"

COVID-19 Did Not Stop 

Teaching & Learning

"Ms. Edwards, Thank you for being such a great teacher this year! - Love, Logan Wallace".   💗

COVID-19 drove our Teachers to find creative ways to keep students engaged and learning.  Student academic success is a top priority!   🤩

Sweet Rewards

What a super sweet way to say 'thank you' from the heart!  These cookies right here!!!   Logan, thank you so much for this delicious and delightful gift for Ms. Edwards!   We truly appreciate the "share size" box!    🙏🙏🙏

Gym Shoes for SAISD Students



A+ Academic Resources built a world-class online Career Resource Center (CRC) to inform students about college & career opportunities. The CRC provides relevant, informative & timely resources to students as they look ahead to the next step after high school graduation.  Mentors such as a Student Success Strategist, Coaches & Top Professionals share a wealth of experience & expertise to set students up for success in career, work & life.  The CRC offers career resources “24/7/365”.  Significantly, the CRC is available for students worldwide.  This is in alignment with our Vision of providing educational resources to K - 12 students worldwide who lack the necessities for academic success.   See you in the CRC!   - Team A+

November 2021 Lunar Eclipse

On November 19, 2021, a partial lunar eclipse ocucured. It happened towards a micromoon.  Significantly, this was the longest partial lunar eclipse since February 18, 1440.  The partial lunar eclipse was visible from North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe.  - Wikepedia

"A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align so that the Moon passes into Earth’s shadow.  In a total lunar eclipse, the entire Moon falls within the darkest part of Earth’s shadow, called the umbra.  In this eclipse, up to 99.1% of the Moon’s disk will be within Earth’s umbra.  The best viewing will be right around the peak of the eclipse, on November 19th at 9:03 UTC/4:03 AM EST/1:03 AM PST." - NASA

Since the best ttime to capture pictures of the partial lunar eclipse was 4:03 AM EST, Lt Col Jonathan Newell, an ambitious & skillful Marine, rose early and climbed the horizon to deliver these fantastic photos!   They make you think about an exciting & rewarding career at NASA.   Thank you very much, Lt Col NewelI!   You can meet him in the CRC!  🤩

Fort Sam Houston Post Tour

Texans Can Academy Students (Highlands Campus) toured Fort Sam Houston on December 18, 2019 to learn about Army career opportunities.  The students and staff learned a lot as evidenced by their smiles!  Tour highlights included the Medical Education Training Center, Quadrangle Historical Museum, and the Dining Facility.   At the Medical Training Center, we learned about the Pharmacy Technician, Dental Assistant, Radiology, Respiratory Therapy, and Surgical Technician careers.  At the Quadrangle Historical Museum, the students enjoyed the friendly animals such as the deer and peacocks that welcome feeding and petting!  At the Dining Facility, the students and staff were treated to the finest foods that our Military and Civilian Chefs prepare with love!   Our outstanding Tour Guide was Mrs. Olivia Mendoza Sencalar from the 502d ABW Public Affairs office.   She kindly took this photo to share with you!   A Five-Star Post Tour!

Arnold in SAISD K-Classroom

Thank you so much Arnold for drawing this awe-mazing picture​ of you using the manipulatives that our kind & generous donors place in schools & into the hands of students, so they can learn & grow!   

Manipulatives are strategically designed objects that allow students to learn concepts through developmentally appropriate hands-on experience.  For example, a student can perceive some mathematical concept by manipulating it.

“Your generosity makes opportunities like this possible – thank you!” - SAISD

We greatly appreciate all of the  donors & volunteers who give their time, talents, and gifts to make the lives of these precious lambs better & their future brighter!  God bless you for sharing your heart!

- Adriene

Clear the List

Teachers called on the San Antonio community to help them clear their classroom school supplies list.    A+ Academic Resources (Team A+) was able to answer the call because of the loving-kindness the people of San Antonio share each day.   We champion Love!   The super creative students in Mrs. B's Art class are showcasing the theme for their Art class this year---Love!    Their sketchbooks were purchased with your generous donations.    Please read what the outstanding Mrs. B has to say about your generosity:

"My 1st class of 5th graders are super thrilled they each got a sketchbook to use the entire year & keep thereafter. Special gratitude to @adrienerwalker for her kind donation of 50 sketchbooks, which helps 2 classes of 5th graders!"

"I want to publicly thank @adrienerwalker for her donation of a class set of sketchbooks for my 5th graders. She is an inspiration w/ her positivity & outlook on life. I loved being able to meet Ms. Walker in person. I will remember the words she gave me: integrity & excellence."

Thank you very much Mrs. B for inviting Team A+ to visit your superb classroom!  It was a real pleasure to meet you!   Your extraordinary passion for teaching and learning is epic and honorable!   Most importantly, thank you for teaching your students the greatest lesson of all---Love! 

According to 1 John 4:12, when we walk in Love, God is present.   


Steven Garza - State Farm Agent reached out to A+ Academic Resources to find out how he can make a difference in the San Antonio community.   Steven knows that businesses & nonprofits can have a significant impact by collaborating on a shared mission.   Our teamwork resulted in $500 which purchased gift cards for school clothes & shoes for students at CASA.   The blue box is filled with gift cards & the chocolate that the "chocolate monster" did not eat!   Many thanks to Steven for making this joint operation possible,  Janna, the CASA Brand Manger for taking the great photo & Christina, the CASA Community Relations Manager, (pictured right) for the wonderful tour of the awe-mazing new CASA building!

Steven Garza - State Farm Agent & A+ Academic Resources Quotes for Good

2019 Innovative Grant for Gonzales ECEC

"Congratulations and thank you to Mrs. Olguin for being awarded the Innovative Grant for our campus to have Sensory Paths for our students! Ms. Wright, Mrs. Saavedra and Mrs. Cabido were part of the team for the grant. Thank you SAISD Foundation and A+ Academic Resources for the funding!"

Congratulations to the Outstanding Teachers at Gonzales ECEC on a Job Very Well Done!

Mrs. Saavedra and her terrific students!   Thank you for the hugs!

Mrs. Olguin and her fantastic students!   Thank you for the hugs!

Thank you for giving to the 

SAISD Foundation & investing in us! 

From, Los Caballeros Distinguidos 

(The Distinguished Gentlemen)

The SAISD foundation helped support the launch of Los Caballeros Distinguidos (The Distinguished Gentlemen) of Briscoe Elementary with a $500 mini-grant.  

The after - school club for 4th and 5th grade boys teaches life-long skills like etiquette, social skills & the basics of professional dress.

Dear Adriene,

We are so grateful for your support! 


Sincerely, SAISD Foundation


Ready To Learn

Academic resources are mandatory for student academic success.  A student can go to school and learn when he or she has the educational tools readily available to meet opportunities for success. Together we can, set students up for success in school, career & life.  💜🙏✝️

"I like to read but don't have books at home. Thank you for giving me books."

- 4th Grade Book Lover

 "Education is the most powerful weapon

you can use to change the world" 

- Nelson Mandela

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